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Make your Android phone much faster (2 Tips)

1. In the early days of the Android platform, smartphones like the G1 were painfully slow and clunky. Handsets struggled to open apps, freezes were expected, and crashes were regular occurrences. Fast forward to 2014, and Android is an entirely different story. Google’s code has enjoyed years of optimizations and processors and other components have improved dramatically. Even most low-end and mid-range Android phones run smoothly in most normal situations now. Sometimes, however, things slow down. It can be incredibly frustrating — even more so than it was back in Android’s early days, because back then it was the norm. Now, users expect a more fluid experience and when they don’t get it, it’s frustrating. But thanks to Android’s open nature, there are often simple little tweaks that can be made in order to speed things up. Though it is easily one of the best mobile browsers out there, Chrome for Android can sometimes be a source of aggravation for Android users. Particularly when many tabs are open at once, the app tends to get a bit choked up. As a result, pages load slowly and scrolling can get choppy. Fixing the issue couldn’t be easier. As noted in a post on Reddit and then picked up recently by Wired, users can quickly and easily increase the amount of RAM that the Chrome app can utilize. By default, the app can only access up to 128MB of RAM and then things start to bog down. High-end and even mid-range Android phones now have plenty of RAM though, so if you’re a heavy Chrome user, there’s no reason your experience has to be so limited. Simply open a new tab, type the following string, and tap Enter: chrome://flags/#max-tiles-for-interest-area Then, in the menu that pops up, change “128″ to either “256″ or “512.” Now tap the Relaunch now button and you can enjoy smoother sailing — and smooth scrolling — in your Chrome browser.

2.  Apple released its eagerly anticipated iOS 7.1 update last week and while the new software added a bunch of great new features and cleaned up a few annoying bugs, there is one thing in particular that stands out as the best thing about iOS 7.1: the speed improvements. Apple’s new iOS 7.1 software is incredibly fast on iPhones and iPads, and the difference completely changes the user experience for the better. But why should iPhone users have all the fun? With a few simple adjustments to three settings, you can enjoy the same great speed improvements on your Android smartphone or tablet. One of the many great things about Android is its flexibility. Google’s mobile software is open to all kinds of third-party tweaks and enhancements, but it also has some built-in features that savvy owners can take advantage of to change the user experience. One such feature allows Android device users to dramatically speed up the transition animations that display when they switch apps and when windows open and close. The tweaks are available within the settings of all recent Android phones in a section called “Developer options.” This section might be hidden on some phones, but it’s very easy to access. On many phones, you just have to open a certain page in the settings and tap a button seven times. Use Google to figure out how to enable Developer options on your phone if it’s currently hidden (for example, search “enable developer options HTC One”). Once you have access to Developer options, simply scroll until you find the following three settings, which may be located on the main screen or within an “Advanced” subsection: Window animation scale Transition animation scale Animator animation scale Tapping each of the three aforementioned settings will reveal that it’s set to “1x” by default. If you want to speed up your phone or tablet dramatically, simply change each of those three settings to “.5x” — that’s it. Just as iOS 7.1 completely changed the feel of the iPhone user experience by speeding up transitions, this will do the same for Android devices. Adjusting these settings also shouldn’t really have any impact on battery life, though if you’re using an older phone with a slower processor you may see some choppiness.


Anonymous said…
Great Information. It worked really well for my phone...
Anonymous said…
it is not working in my phone.

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